Entry Guide


Entries to the Mobile News awards are submitted to our online entry portal. ENTRY DEADLINE IS MIDNIGHT THURSDAY FEBRUARY 16

Judges will see the identical format for every entry.  However, you have complete freedom to create your supporting information  (ie links to videos, PDFs, and links to websites etc).

  1. Click on the ENTER THE AWARDS button below or the CATEGORIES tab on the menu. Select the category you wish to enter.
  2. CREATE AN ACCOUNT. Activate it from the activation email you will receive.
  3. If you already have an account please use your login credentials. Use the FORGOT PASSWORD link to reset your password.
  4. Complete the required fields for your chosen categories, and upload any images, supporting files and YouTube links.
  5. Complete the entry and SUBMIT when ready. You can EDIT as many times as you ie until you SUBMIT.
  6. Pay the £195+VAT entry fee. One fee covers multiple entries and your discount will be automatically applied
  7. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SUBMIT YOUR INFORMATION UNTIL YOU HAVE VALIDATED YOUR ACCOUNT. You will be able to SAVE FOR LATER and return after validation to continue your submission. If you complete any fields and don’t  SAVE FOR LATER’ your information will be lost. Validate your account first, THEN start your submission.  
  8. If you have any problems or enquiries email awards@mobilenewscwp.co.uk and a member of the team will respond.

You can edit your entry up until the submission deadline.


Any organistion with a UK presence supplying products and/or services to the UK mobile channel e.g. distributors, MVNOs, operators, dealers, retailers manufacturers etc.

Yes. You may engage any outside marketing agency, consultant, PR agency or advertising agency to produce and submit your entry.

Yes. The £195 fee is a ONE-OFF PAYMENT and you may enter as many relevant categories as you desire.

An entry must relate to a product, service or commercial activity available to the mobile channel and (where applicable) consumer customers from January 1 2022 to January 31 2023

Your entry will be seen by our panel of judges who will be asked to sign a declaration that they will not reveal the contents of your entry. We do reserve the right to publish extracts from winning entries in print and online. If there is any sensitive information you would prefer not to be in the public domain such as turnover and sales figures please mark it CONFIDENTIAL. We will not reproduce any data fro marked. Please use this exclusion sparingly.  Requests to regard the ENTIRE entry as Confidential  will not be accepted

Your entry will be judged by mobile industry professionals but assume they know little  about your organisation/product/service. The judges have a limited amount of time to examine entries, So keep your information succinct and packed with data statistics and customer and user reviews and endorsements.  Avoid fact-free mission statements and PR puff. Get an outsider to critique your entry before submitting it 

Supply supporting evidence of every claim (e.g. customer feedback, independent market research etc)

You can upload files (20 MB max) and provide judges with links direct to additional supporting material such as video and customer testimonials. We strongly recommend you make use of this fact;ty to supply supporting material.

Select the right awards category based on your strengths.  

Here's an important bit - STICK TO ANSWERING THE ENTRY CRITERIA.  We have seen solid and ex event organisations have their entry marked down because they did not directly answer the entry questions.  For exams, if the Question asks about sustainability credentials don't respond with details of employee diversity achievements.  Stick to answering the questions. Don't respond to questions that haven't been asked. Use plain English and steer clear of jargon.

Information that gives your entry the best chance of a win includes independent testimonials,  turnover and profit KPI's, published reviews etc. Although the judges are mobile industry experts don’t assume they know every detail about your sector or product.

The British Chamber of Commerce offers an excellent advice on how to enter and win awards here.

If you have any queries about what your entry can cover please email awards@mobilenewscwp.co.uk and we will respond quickly with advice. 

 Products and samples should be submitted for the following hardware-related categories:

Innovative Device

Innovative Product

Products should be sent to the4 judging venue the day before judging (TBC) . Although we and the venue will take all precautions to keep them safe, you send products at your own risk.  After judging day the products will be returned on request. Contact us at awards@mobilenewscwp.co.uk between February 14 and February 20 when we will give you details of where to send products.

The deadline is 00.00hrs, Thursday  February 16, 2023

A list of Finalists will be published from February 20. Notifications will be sent to each Finalist with an official Mobile News Awards logo for use in marketing and PR.